Gillie Miller and Solano County Office of Education

I was invited a few years ago to check out Solano County Office of Education’s Career Technical Education Program and fell in love with the Virtual Enterprise that some of the high schools in Solano County participate in. Gillie Miller, Manager of the CTE program, gave an informative presentation to the Little Wing Connections Luncheon on her various programs throughout the county and the readiness that is instilled in our up and coming youth. I have volunteered some of my time with this department and am so proud of these kids!
What is CTE?
What is Career Technical Education (CTE)?
Career Technical Education is:

  1. A sequence of courses grouped together to prepare students for
    careers and college
  2. A method of providing 21st century skills
  3. A series of UC a-g approved classes
  4. An opportunity for all students to learn, achieve and succeed.

Career Technical Education has shown that it:

  1. Increases student attendance
  2. Engages students in school
  3. Raises grade point averages
  4. Helps close the achievement gap
  5. Increases graduation rates
  6. Assists in getting a job
  7. Paves the way to college.