Poyan DB Shifter

Poyan DB Shifter
I have received many comments and messages from different friends here on Facebook similar to this one regarding them being unsatisfied with their life situations asking how they can find freedom. Until now very few people know these stories about me but this message really inspired me to share…
“My soul longs for this soft peace and divinity…but im imprisoned in strong circumstance which limits me not only my body but my soul’s pleasures….i hate this machinary life… I wish i could be in place of you for a moment there Poyan..”
My response:
“Hear you! Appreciate your honest comment. I’ve been there…my life has not always been like this and I’ve experienced the “dark” side many many times, I grew up in Iran when it was war, can still hear the bombings, we moved to Sweden to find peace and then my (only) little sister got murdered there, not long after that my first love committed suicide, I struggled with my job for 15 years (machinery life) before I found the courage to quit, I used alcohol and cigarettes, I broke up with my family for years…the list could go on.
The change for me was when I realized that I can’t fight life (what you resist persist), I started to accept and see everything as lessons, I also realized that I’m not only the observer of my life but also the creator and began to get rid of everything that didn’t served me in my shift. Now I don’t want anything of what happend undone. Every single event has brought me here and in this very moment I can see the love behind every event that was so hurtful and “evil” for me before.
I’m not comparing our situations because I don’t know so much about what’s happening in your life, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in your struggles.
Peace is here…now…don’t resist…”
Poyan DB Shifter2
Here is my path in short, every awakening is different but maybe this resonates with you