Kenny the Clown

Kenny the clown
I’ve been working as a street performing/birthday circuit (mayorial circuit, but that’s a whole other story) for about the last 14 years. I was brought into the funny business by a girl friend (that’s another whole other story).
Before that I was in grad school for social work, and before that I was working in a group home. I’ve also been a substitute school teacher in the Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) for about the last 30 years.

One of the most inspiration quotes I’ve ever heard about clowns is:
“Clown’s make themselves look so different, to show we have more in common with each other as people, than we do have differences.” And I also heard, “so people don’t know how to laugh, and clowns teach people how to laugh.” I think this is true, because the by allowing people to laugh at them, clowns give people permission to laugh at themselves. I’ve also heard, “life is too serious not to laugh at it.”
Please feel free to check out my website: I have a bachelor’s degree from U.C. Berkeley in sociology.  I’ve ran for Mayor Alameda twice (’06, and ’10). I ran for Mayor of San Fran(silly)cisco in ’07 (I still say that son of a … Bubbles set me up, but that’s a whole other story as well…).