Are You Making Any of These 3 Big Mistakes on LinkedIn?

Originally published on Linkedin on May 25 2015 By Ryan Bradley
Are You Making Any of These 3 Big Mistakes on LinkedIn
We all know that with more than 310 million members in more than 200 countries and territories, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. It has executives from all of the Fortune 500 and most businesses are at least represented, but most have their entire executive teams connected.
So what mistakes do most people make? Like with most things, it’s the basics that cause the most problems. Let’s take a look at the most common mistakes people make and how to correct them.
#1 – Not having a complete profile. Regardless of the industry, this always surprises me. Even people who are looking to connect have not completed their profile. They don’t have a photo or they are using logo. This is professional social networking. You are a person, not a log, pet, or couple. Other missing elements are the summary, website, and a personalized LinkedIn link.
Steps to take: Complete your profile. Take a few minutes to add a summary for yourself and if you are in business, then tell the readers of your profile exactly how you can help them. Get a decent photo, even today’s cell phones take good pictures. Pick a good hair day and get a photo of yourself. Add a link to your company website or your personal blog or Facebook page. You want to be transparent and build a relationship with them, right?
#2 – Selling before you help/relate. How do you feel when a pushy door to door sales person walks up to you and say “hi want to buy my stuff?” It’s a turn off, right? So why would you do that to your connections on LinkedIn? Do you think even the few connections you have met via email or in person, would be put off. Remember LinkedIn, like other social networking platforms are about building relationships and connections, not sales. Don’t get me wrong, you can make a lot of money from your LinkedIn connections, just not before you build a relationship with them away from LinkedIn.
Steps to take: Provide helpful information and tips to your connections. Reach out and offer to help them with a specific issue or challenge you see them having. Yes, it takes time to do this, but it’s like you are courting them. Build the relationship through thoughtfulness and help first.
#3 – Not participating in groups. You can belong to up to 50 groups in LinkedIn at a time, but belonging is not enough. You need to participate in the groups too. Just lurking or waiting for a chance to sell them something is not going to win you much business.
Steps to take: Join some groups related to your ideal client and then get involved in the conversation happening there. If you have a helpful remark or suggestion, by all means make it. Share useful resources with group members any time you see them, especially when they are free or low cost resources. Let them get to know you and that you have their best interest at heart.
These are not earth shattering new concepts. However, they are still forgotten by a good number of the LinkedIn membership. Don’t be one of them. Complete your profile, provide your connections help and value, and participate in the groups your clients are in so they can get to know you. Before long, your business will be growing from all of your new connections and contacts.
Linkedinfluance provides and tools (free and paid) specifically tailored to the geo-centric businesses they own. To help you with LinkedIn, you can download a free LinkedIn worksheet and profile checklist here: