Birthday party fundraiser set to boost Boys & Girls Club

Originally published in the Daily Republic on August 27, 2015 By Amy Maginnis-Honey.
Elementary School Recess Party for Christina 2015
Christina Baird, author of “How Far Will I Run,” will celebrate her birthday Oct. 17 with Continentals of Omega Boys & Girls Club.
The birthday girl’s goal is to raise money in lieu of gifts for the Boys & Girls Club while reliving childhood memories of playing elementary school recess games. A nominal cash donation will be asked for at the door. The public is invited. The theme is Elementary School Recess.
“This is a time to have fun with our peers without worrying about deadlines or events coming up in our near future,” Baird wrote on her party invitations.
It’s a return to simpler times, she said.
Those who attend are asked to wear favorite old-school workout clothing. Referee outfits are also welcome.
Baird also chose the venue as the Santa Rosa Boys & Girls Club played a role in her life.
“It was a place for me to escape my opportunities at home and learn the skills of teamwork and sportsmanship,” she wrote.
The party starts at 11 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. The Continentals of Omega Boys & Girls Club is located at 1 Positive Place.
For more information, call Baird at 738-9962 or email her at
Amy Maginnis-Honey joined the staff of the Daily Republic in 1980. She’ll tell you she was only 3 at the time. Over the past three decades she’s done a variety of jobs in the newsroom. Today, she covers arts and entertainment and writes for the Living and news pages.