6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Digital Makeover

A digital presence has become a key part of modern business. Any company that wants to succeed must engage on the internet with the growing online marketplace and the billions of customers making use of it every day. Some companies were early adopters in developing a digital presence however, many have fallen behind but a quick update can have them competing effectively again. There are many reasons a company may need such an update here are six.

A digital presence has become a key part of modern business. Any company that wants to succeed must engage on the internet with the growing online marketplace and the billions of customers making use of it every day. Some companies were early adopters in developing a digital presence however, many have fallen behind but a quick update can have them competing effectively again. There are many reasons a company may need such an update here are six.

Six Reasons To Update A Business Presence on Digital

1. An Out Of Date Website: the most basic reason for an update is that the company’s website is out of date. Depending on the age of a website it may have been set up when such things more of a luxury than a necessity. Out of date information and old design standards are just two reasons to update a company website.

2. Multimedia Implementation: the internet is becoming increasingly video driven. What this means for businesses is a change in how information is presented. Many people won’t read a long webpage no matter how well it is written. But the same information presented in a video format is more easily understood and creates a more personal connection.

3. The Website Is Not Optimized For Mobile Platforms: the usage of smartphones is increasing every year as is the usage of tablets. More and more people are accessing the internet without a traditional computer. A company website that does not load properly or quickly on a mobile platform will only frustrate potential customers.

4. No Mobile App: related to the expanding use of smartphones is the ever-growing mobile app marketplaces. A mobile app makes things easier for customers by reducing the steps to access information it also helps increase customer loyalty. It’s also one of the best way to go digital. With that said, there are variety of mobile app platforms available that a business can select to use.

5. Implementation Of Social Media: most businesses have a social media presence of some type, however, not all of them implement this into their websites or apps. This fragmentation only limits the reach social media accounts have. A company’s social media accounts should be properly integrated with its other digital platforms.

6. Search Engine Improvements Are Needed: search engines are getting smarter. A combination of proper keywords is no longer enough for a company to be listed on the first page of results. Modern search engines read website content and rank sites on the basis of the value they are presenting. Updating a website to improve its content will also improve its search ranking.


A company’s digital presence is an absolutely essential part of its marketing strategy. In the modern business world companies that cannot keep up with rapidly changing technology will be left behind. A proper digital presence is a combination of coordinated tools. A strong social media presence, mobile app, use of multimedia, search engine improvement, and a mobile complaint website are just some of the ways companies stay competitive in the modern digital marketplace.