Try making all of your sentences short by Wendy VanHatten

blog posts
In many blog posts, when a reader has to read or re-read too many complex sentences, they can lose interest. Those are okay for technical reports and novels. For blogs, keep your sentences shorter.
Compelling writing keeps your reader’s interest
Less is more. Don’t always try to impress with words that don’t fit your subject or your audience. Write compelling copy…but keep it relevant. As a writer, you should be thinking of your reader. Use the ‘what’s in it for them’ mentality.
Let go of unnecessary adverbs
You want to show your reader…not just tell him. Using words like very, suddenly, and sparingly, tell instead of show. Instead of very thin, say anorexic. Instead of mostly, brightly red, say cherry red.
Wendy VanHatten
Author Website
Editor-In-Chief of Prime Time Living Magazine
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