Contributing and volunteering

Solano ounty Library Foundations 2014 Brew Ha Ha
Contributing and volunteering is the theme for my Public Relations and Marketing company, Little Wing Connections. I choose to make myself accountable for the growth of my community and to contribute whenever I can.
What I have noticed with volunteering though is that some people forget that you are volunteering, giving of your time and efforts. Serving without attachment is the ultimate goal, I acknowledge and appreciate my opportunities that I have been given in my volunteering efforts.
It’s important to remember that service is a privilege not an entitlement. It is a privilege to have food served to you. It is a privilege to have someone rub your feet. Even though you are paying for the service, never means that you are entitled . You are blessed to have the accommodation or privilege provided to you. The person that is performing the service is just as human as the person who is receiving the benefit.
My lifework is in loving and serving by honoring my highest truth. Protecting my boundaries with grace and ease is an ongoing lesson that I am striving to achieve. I am happy to help others with humility and grace, always honoring the intention of the efforts at hand.