Lynn Abaté Johnson

Lynn Abaté Johnson
Hello and welcome. I am Lynn Abaté Johnson. Back in 1996, while taking part in the Landmark Education Curriculum for Living in San Francisco, California, I declared this about who I am:
“Who I am, is the possibility of people powerfully celebrating themselves each moment.”
To most of you this may have no meaning. For me, personally, it was a declaration that this is what I stand for, every moment of the time I’m fortunate enough to walk this planet.
It may seem a bit lofty, and to some, downright cheesy, and that’s cool with me. It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us.
What planet are you from?
I was born in Detroit, Michigan and when I was six months old, my parents headed west to Los Angeles. My dad was to attend law school at UCLA, although he didn’t know it at the time. He started out wanting to be a doctor, but after a couple pre-med courses, didn’t have the “stomach” for it. So, he went to law, and by the time he graduated from UCLA School of Law, there were four more kids in the family besides me. What can I say? Oh yeah: C-A-T-H-O-L-I-C.
My mom was amazing, even then (as she is now), because she had the domestic Goddess thing dialed in. Although my parents were dirt poor, and lived in the “slums” that used to be married student housing on the UCLA campus in Westwood (it was demolished and rebuilt years ago), my mom always made sure we were well-nourished, clean, clothed, and that we played in the mud whenever we wanted. She and my dad never complained (although they yelled at each other a lot), and we never knew there was anything missing- because bottom line: I knew I was loved. They worked hard and provided me with fond memories.
I consider myself fortunate, in that I come from two hard-working immigrant families. My dad’s father came to the U.S. via Ellis Island from Palermo, Sicily. My Nana and Papa spoke Sicilian at home, but never in public. And my mom’s father took the boat as well – to Ellis Island, by way of Baghdad, Iraq. My Chaldean grandparents spoke Aramaic at home, but never in public. Thus, I was never taught those two historical languages. Big bummer for me! Back then, all they wanted to do was “blend in” – assimilate. So, our cultures were a bit underground, if you will.
It was with my maternal grandparents that I cut my teeth – starting at the age of 9, working as an entrepreneur, in the family businesses. More about that another time (great stories to share).
Fast forward – back and forth between Michigan and California, and now, based in the beautiful wine country of Northern California, and to coin a phrase: “livin’ the dream”.
I hope that the pages of this community site inspire you in some way. Together, we can compare notes, encourage each other, and perhaps learn more about each other’s business and family lives enough so that we can actually connect each other with those who could benefit from our contributions to their endeavors.
Who Am I?
I am community. I’m a connector. I work and play constantly. The two are interchangeable. I put people first, above everything else. I operate from a place of love and innate trust. And, I’m learning that this works really well, in life, and in business. High energy. Productive. Happy-by-nature. That’s me, in a nutshell.
Here’s to the ongoing celebration. Thanks for stopping by. Please connect with me all over the web, and join my mailing list so that I can share celebrations that may interest, inspire, and connect you as well.